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Microsoft Tuesday - Top News - #07

It’s Tuesday again and I came with top news of the week floating around Microsoft Platform. In this top news post, composing links on Azure,... - Story published by Kunal Chowdhury on .

It’s Tuesday again and I came with top news of the week floating around Microsoft Platform. In this top news post, composing links on Azure, Windows 10, Node.js and Microsoft Band. Hopefully, you will love to read those.


Share your views on the posts those I share over this Microsoft Tuesday channel and engage me to provide more in coming days.



Announcing the availability of Azure App Service

In a mobile-first, cloud-first world, companies are using apps to connect with and better engage their customers, partners, and employees anywhere, and on any device. They are relying on developers to build those apps with increasing speed –that can connect to popular services and on-premises systems and auto scale as the business needs. Today, I’m excited to announce Azure App Service, a unique new service which helps developers deliver cross-platform, cloud-connected apps faster than ever before.


Scott Guthrie Announces Azure for Students through Microsoft Imagine

Announcing free Azure web development services for verified students – no credit card required! Microsoft Imagine helps students of all ages learn to code and build their skills with free software and online learning with Web Apps, Visual Studio Online, Application Insights.



Windows 10 developer tooling preview now available to Windows Insiders

Three weeks ago, at Mobile World Congress, we had the opportunity to share with you a first look at the Windows 10 universal app platform. Today I’m excited to announce that we are making the first technical preview of the Windows 10 developer tooling available to Windows Insiders. However, I’d like to point out that this is a preview. Our goal with this release is to give you the opportunity to experiment with the cool new platform capabilities while we continue working to finish Windows 10.


Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio

Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio (NTVS) is now available for download! NTVS is a free, open source extension for Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013 that turns Visual Studio into a Node.js IDE. NTVS 1.0 supports the free Visual Studio Community and Visual Studio Express for Web editions, as well as Visual Studio Professional and higher. Node.js is a platform for building fast, scalable applications using JavaScript. It’s making its way just about everywhere – from servers, to Internet of Things devices, to desktop applications, to who knows what next? And now, with Node.js support in Visual Studio, it’s easier than ever before to develop Node.js applications.


Develop apps for the Microsoft Band with the SDK Developer Preview

Microsoft has opened the gates for third-party developers to extend their existing apps or to build apps for the Microsoft Band, a cross-platform smart band that provides fitness and productivity benefits to empower you to live healthier and be more productive. And, with the recently launched iOS SDK, developers have even more opportunities to develop across all platforms. Please check out the great work by Xamarin, which was able to simultaneously ship the iOS SDK along with Xamarin bindings for Android and iOS.

Microsoft Band - disassemble (Credit: Lumia Conversation)


Posts @ Last Week

Did you miss the posts that I published last week? You might be interested to read those. Here I am sharing the links for you to quickly find those:



Do you like the composed version of Microsoft Tuesday? Do share your feedback below in the comment section. Subscribe to my blog’s RSS feed and email newsletter to get immediate notification of new posts. I am available on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Connect with me to get the updates share over those social networking channels.


In case you missed the last week’s post, here it is for you: Microsoft Tuesday - Top News - #06. Thanks to Microsoft India for their support in building this Microsoft Tuesday channel.


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