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Microsoft Tuesday - Top News - #04

It’s Tuesday again and I am back with the top news on Microsoft platform. Above the fold you will find posts on Linux and Open-Source comput... - Story published by Kunal Chowdhury on .

It’s Tuesday again and I am back with the top news on Microsoft platform. Above the fold you will find posts on Linux and Open-Source computing page, Azure, TypeScript, Internet of Things (IoT) and Kinect. Hope, you will like this posts.


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Announcing the Linux and Open-Source Computing Page

The new Linux and Open-Source Computing page is live! This page is a comprehensive collection of documentation and tutorials for running Linux and open-source workloads on Azure. We’re working hard to add new content and keep it up-to-date, but if there’s something we missed, please let us know in the comments. You can also edit any article yourself on GitHub by following the “Edit on GitHub” link in the top bar of an article.


Microsoft Enhances Data Platform with Availability of Fully-Managed NoSQL

As part of our commitment to delivering a world-class data platform for our customers, I am  excited to announce the general availability of Azure Search and Azure DocumentDB to support the search and unstructured data  needs of today’s modern cloud applications.


These new data services extend our investments in a broad portfolio of solutions to unlock insights from data. Azure is at the center of our strategy, offering customers scale, simplicity and great economics. And we continue to make it easier for customers to work with data of any type and size – using the tools, languages and frameworks they want – in a trusted cloud environment.


Azure - Data   Storage page


TypeScript <3 Angular

Three years ago, we introduced TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript for application development at scale offering compile-time type checking and richer tooling integration. Since then, we’ve seen great adoption and usage of TypeScript across a wide range of projects and applications – from Adobe’s Digital Publishing Suite to Mozilla’s Shumway project and the great Asana web application.  At the same time, the ecosystem of frameworks and tools partners around TypeScript has also grown quickly – from tools for Eclipse developed by Palantir to TypeScript support in JetBrains’ WebStorm and the over 700 developers who have contributed to the DefinitelyTyped project.


From atoms to quarks, to cosmos – IoT helps lab explore origins of universe

Nestled in the hills west of Stanford University lies the longest and straightest building in the world — the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory — a two-mile long particle accelerator built in the 1960s. Over its 50-year history, SLAC has helped scientists discover new drugs, new materials for electronics and new ways to produce clean energy. Research conducted there has revealed intimate details of atoms, led to the discovery of matter’s fundamental building blocks, and unveiled insight into the origin of the universe and the nature of dark energy.


Kinect-powered experiences bring people together

Mini-computers, powerful microcontrollers, and sensors (such as Kinect), are increasingly becoming more affordable and customizable. Frameworks and libraries built for these technologies are typically open source and written in approachable, high-level languages. This fundamental democratization of technology has spawned a generation of “creative technologists,” hybrid artists/coders whose role is largely experimental. As budding members of this creative coding community, we at Stublisher develop software that thrives at the interplay of physical environments and human participation. These projects range from unique brand activations to purely artistic endeavors. 



Did you miss last week’s Microsoft Tuesday newsletter? Find it here: Microsoft Tuesday – Top News – #03. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog’s RSS Feed and Email Newsletter to get the immediate update notifications of posts in your inbox. I am available on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Do connect with me to get the updates that I share.


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